Rose Angel Book Audiobooks


Yakuza Sweet Revenge is one of the first books written by Angel S. Broady and is to now be heightened as to finally be an audiobook. Rose Angel Books are listening to their readers to have another dose of entertainment to their non-cliche and beautiful Asian cocktail novellas.   

Yakuza Sweet Revenge audiobook is to be produced by Minh Han and for Sealed of Fate to be produced by Rose Taylor Ritson. The two-star stories are to come to life with moving star voices within book history year 2025.  The other novellas by Angel S. Broady Cello Bride and Raven are to still be looking for voices; but is soon to please readers as soon as possible.   

Cello Bride Book 3 is currently being written by the History Making author as we speak. Our readers have waiting long for Let Me Go Cello Bride Book 2 (May 2025) and is now following Cello Bride Book 3 is not a long wait for readers for it to be published in (November 2025.) 

We hope the best to all of our readers and have a Happy Holidays. 

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